I’m not sure how in the case of an already-color LCD you plan to pull this off, though. Rather like a DLP projector, then… a color wheel filter in front of the beam alternately makes red, green, and blue, such that a lower resolution MEMS micromirror can be used to create full-resolution full-color graphics. Posted in Video Hacks Tagged display, macbook pro, retina, retina display Post navigation
In a few years, though, when the old, busted Retina laptops are traded up for a new, shiny model, though, we’ll be the first to try out this mod and get some serious desktop space. Even if it were, it’s extraordinarily difficult to find a replacement display for the high-end MacBook for under the price of a really good monitor, anyway. This build isn’t really a finished product anyone can buy and plug into a replacement Retina display just yet. The build is the beginning of a product that works just like the previous DisplayPort adapter for the iPad retina display, but with the possibility of a few added features such as HDMI input and use of the internal webcam and WiFi antennas. over at Rozsnyo came up with a neat solution that connects one of these fancy 15-inch Retina displays to just about any computer. This incredible resolution comes with a price, though: the MBP with a Retina display is about $500 more expensive than the normal resolution MPB model, and it’s very difficult to find a laptop of comparable resolution without cries of fanboyism being heard. If you’ve seen one of the fancy, expensive MacBook Pro laptops with a Retina display, you’ll know how awesome having that much resolution actually is.